Daylight Saving Time and Zulu or GMT or UTC

Zulu or GMT or UTC (see below for chart)
CDT - Central Daylight -5 hours 7 am = 12 noon UTC
CST - Central Standard -6 hours 6 am = 12 noon UTC

Daylight Saving Time
first Sunday in April and ends on the last Sunday in October.

In 2004, daylight time begins on April 4 and ends on October 31.

In 2005, daylight time begins on April 3 and ends on October 30.

------ ------ ------- ------- -------- --------
0000 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM 5 PM 4 PM
0100 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM 5 PM
0200 10 PM 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM
0300 11 PM 10 PM 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM
0400 Midnight 11 PM 10 PM 9 PM 8 PM
0500 1 AM Midnight 11 PM 10 PM 9 PM
0600 2 AM 1 AM Midnight 11 PM 10 PM
0700 3 AM 2 AM 1 AM Midnight 11 PM
0800 4 AM 3 AM 2 AM 1 AM Midnight
0900 5 AM 4 AM 3 AM 2 AM 1 AM
1000 6 AM 5 AM 4 AM 3 AM 2 AM
1100 7 AM 6 AM 5 AM 4 AM 3 AM
1200 8 AM 7 AM 6 AM 5 AM 4 AM
1300 9 AM 8 AM 7 AM 6 AM 5 AM
1400 10 AM 9 AM 8 AM 7 AM 6 AM
1500 11 AM 10 AM 9 AM 8 AM 7 AM
1600 Noon 11 AM 10 AM 9 AM 8 AM
1700 1 PM Noon 11 AM 10 AM 9 AM
1800 2 PM 1 PM Noon 11 AM 10 AM
1900 3 PM 2 PM 1 PM Noon 11 AM
2000 4 PM 3 PM 2 PM 1 PM Noon
2100 5 PM 4 PM 3 PM 2 PM 1 PM
2200 6 PM 5 PM 4 PM 3 PM 2 PM
2300 7 PM 6 PM 5 PM 4 PM 3 PM

Ship's Bell Time
Noon 8 bells (A new watch comes on duty)
12:30 1 bell
1:00 2 bells
1:30 3 bells
2:00 4 bells
2:30 5 bells
3:00 6 bells
3:30 7 bells
4:00 8 bells (The watch standers are relieved by the next watch and go below to rest)
4:30 1 bell (The pattern starts over)

Number  Middle  Morning  Forenoon  Afternoon  Firstdog  Lastdog   First
of Bells  watch    watch      watch       watch        watch       watch      watch
One        0:30     4:30         8:30 1       2:30         16:30         18:30      20:30
Two        1:00     5:00        9:00         13:00         17:00         19:00     21:00
Three     1:30     5:30         9:30         13:30         17:30         19:30     21:30
Four     2:00     6:00         10:00         14:00         18:00         22:00
Five     2:30     6:30         10:30         14:30         22:30
Six       3:00     7:00         11:00         15:00         23:00
Seven     3:30  7:30         11:30         15:30         23:30
Eight     4:00     8:00         12:00        16:00         20:00         0:00

The hours between 16:00 and 20:00 are so arranged because that watch (the "dog watch", which is cur-tailed) was divided into two. The odd number of watches aimed to give each man a different watch each day.